Try it you'll like it - Introduction to Weaving: $60 - Saturday's 9:30 - 1:30 (loom purchase not required)
You too can Weave - Have you ever wondered what all is involved in weaving? Would like to try weaving before investing in a loom? Here's you chance! Using one of my looms, in this workshop you will warp the Rigid Heddle Loom and using plain weave, complete a small sample project to take home. Learn some of the basic terms used in weaving and use different yarns types and sizes in the weft to 'see' what if! Fun day --
Call if you are interested in taking this workshop. Class limited to 6 people per class. Materials needed: Yarn- everything else provided.
Kromski looms will be available to purchase if you decide you have to have one after the workshop to continue your adventure! Easy to Warp, takes up little space -
Beginning Weaving: $40 (Purchase of a loom required) This class will teach you to Warp you're loom, learn plain weave, discuss warp calculation, yarn size definitions, learn weaving terms, how to compute which Heddle to use for projects and how to caculate how much yarn to buy for projects. (Loom will be put together for you)
Class project- sampler scarf. Materials list given at class sign up.
Weaving the Next Step-1 day Workshop: $40 - (bring you loom warped and ready to weave)
Learn new patterns using Pick-up Sticks. Review information from Beginning Class - Q & A
Introduction to Spinning: $40.00 Have you always wanted to spin your own yarn. You too can learn to spin. Now you can make your own yarn for projects. This introduction to spinning will allow you to learn the process of preparing your own wool roving and then sit and try a wheel. Sit and try all the Kromski wheels. Don't put it off any longer!
Call and we'll schedule a time! Private Lessons offered, just give us a call to schedule 770-479-2300 or email dobsongcj@windstream.net
Cherokee Ledger Article from July 2011 Class: http://www.ledgernews.com/community/cherokee-life/982-august-10-2011/3801-a-venture-back-to-yesteryear
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