Harp Floor Stand
For those weavers that do not want to hold their Harp in the traditional manner (back end propped against a table edge) the Kromski now have a beautiful floor stand. All the pieces have been turned so there is shape and contours to everything, making for a striking piece of woodworking. And note some of the features: your warping pegs (these come with the loom) can be used as ledges on either side of the loom to hold shuttles, hold yarn or to keep other supplies handy. The remaining peg can be conveniently stored at the back of the loom. Use the stand for weaving, yes, but also for warping, and for storage (your Harp can be folded on the stand so it takes up less space). We are sure weavers will find even more ingenious ways to use the Harp floor stand.
This stand can also be used with the Fiddle loom.
Retail price :
8" Harp floor Stand 16" Harp floor stand 24" Harp floor stand 32" Harp floor stand
Use the floor stand to hold the loom while warping, even with a project on the other side
Fold the loom while on the stand to save space!

Harp Tote Bags
Because the Kromski Harp conveniently folds (with your warp and project in place), why not put it in a tote bag for easy storage or travel.
The bags are made of polycanvas and feature canvas handles and a shoulder strap. The base of the tote is re-enforced to provide sturdy support of the loom. There is plenty of room for stick shuttles, pick-up sticks, warping equipment, clamps and your weaving material.
Heddles come in a variety of sizes (dent) to allow you to control the number of ends per inch in your project. The standard heddle with each Kromski loom is 10-dent. Also available are 8 and 12-dent heddles. As you expand your weaving interests you may want to have more than one heddle size.
Additionally, you may want to try using 2 heddles as the same time (2 heddles of the same dent size). This will allow you to approximate a 4-harness loom. The tie-up is a bit more involved and the process is not as easy as a true 4-harness loom, but for the ocasional need, this is a nice option. Order an extra set of heddle blocks to support the extra heddle.
Selecting warp yarn for a rigid heddle loom
Rigid heddles come in different dent sizes. It is important to consider the dent size of your heddle(s) before you choose a warp yarn. As the dent size number increases (8 to 10 to 12), the “thickness” of your warp material must decrease.
All rigid heddles are made of parts composed of slots and holes. Your warp threads must be able to pass through these holes and slots without resistance. As you raise and lower the heddle, the threads in the slots must slip so that their elevation is not altered. As you beat your project the heddle must slide forward and back without causing yarn to bunch up in the slots and holes. Up, down, forward and backwards - your rigid heddle must move easily and not cause problems with the warp.
With experience you may be able to judge suitability of dent size/yarn size simply by looking at your warp material. But at first there is a chance you will misjudge. We suggest that if in doubt you first create a short sample warp maybe 2 inches wide and thread it through your heddle to test how it performs. Remember, in addition to changing heddle size you can adjust your project by substituting a slightly different material for the warp. Some material will simply not be suitable as a rigid heddle warp but you may be able to use it for the weft.
Shuttles, Pick-up Sticks and Heddle Hooks
The Kromskis make shuttles, pick-up sticks and heddle hooks that can be used with Kromski looms and with most other looms.
Pick-up Sticks (a) are available in the following sizes: 12", 17", 25" and 33". One end is rounded and beveled to allow easy placement. One comes with each Harp loom.
Stick Shuttle (b) are available in the following sizes: 4", 8", 12", 16", 24" and 32". Each edge of the shuttle has a knife edge which allow you to use it to beat your weaving. Each Kromski loom comes with two shuttles
Rigid Heddle Hooks (c)come with each loom but are available seperately. Caution: this hook may not fit other heddles on the market. Please talk with your dealer for purchase.