Kromski Spinning Accessories
Tensioned Lazy Kates The Kromskis are now making two styles of Lazy Kates - the arched version now comes standard with all Mazurka and Symphony wheels; the upright Kate comes standard with the Polonaise.
The Lazy Kates are very attractive and work just the way you want them to. They hold up to three bobbins. The bobbin rods are heavy metal with a fancy wooden knob on the end.
These tensioned Kates will accommodate most other brands of bobbins including Ashford (standard bobbins), Jensen, Reeves, Timbertops, Majacraft and Lendrum (regular and very fast bobbins).
Hand Carders now available! 72 TPI (Mahogany, Walnut, Clear and Unfinished) 108 TPI (Mahogany, Walnut, Clear and Unfinished)
Wool Top - Polish Merino now Available! 8 oz bag 1 lb Bag Carded Wool- Natural 8 oz Bag Natural 1 lb Bag

Niddy Noddies
You can't spin without having a Niddy Noddy. The Kromskis make three sizes for three different size skeins: 30", 48" and 72". The two smaller sizes are available in walnut and mahogany. The large Niddy is available unfinished, with a clear finish, and with a walnut or mahogany stain finish.
small Niddy Noddy medium Niddy Nody -large Niddy Nody - finished or unfinished
Nostepinne - make a ball of yarn using just this stick.
Spinning Stool
You need to sit just right to spin comfortably. With the Kromski spinning stool, you can. This sturdy stool has a contoured seat that will let you spin for hours. The legs have been turned so that you can make a permanent adjustment to the seat height from 17" to 18.5". And if not for spinning, you will find this stool works well in a variety of settings. Available unfinished or finished (walnut or mahogany)
Kromski stool, unfinished Kromski stool finished: clear, walnut, mahogany

Quick Change Flyer Set - here is an inovation from the Kromskis that will make changing bobbins on a double drive set-up easier. The spindle on the flyer "breaks" at the base of the flyer allowing you to pull off the flyer and the bobbin without removing the whorl or the drive band from the whorl.
Comes with conversion parts, flyer and three Quick Change bobbins. Specify your Kromski wheel type. Requires different bobbins than what is standard with all Kromski wheels.
Extra Flyers for Single Drive Kromski wheels - add speed range to your Sonata with our Jumbo flyer and Faster flyer.
Jumbo on the Sonata - includes one jumbo bobbin; ratios of 5, 7.5, and 10 to 1. Faster on the Sonata - ratios of 12, 16 and 18 to 1.
Threading hook - included with each Kromski wheel; a fancy turned handle makes this the hook to be used with any spinning wheel.
Unfinished and clear, mahogany and walnut Extra Bobbins 
The Kromski regular bobbins allow you to store a good amount of yarn; about 50% more than many other regular bobbins from other manufacturers.
- regular, unfinished - regular, clear, mahogany or walnut
- Quick Change bobbins - unfinished - Quick Change bobbins - finished