Sonata Polonaise Minstrel
Symphony Prelude

The Kromski rigid heddle loom does that, with several innovative features.
The Kromski Harp has a warping board integral to its design; turn over the
loom and you can make your warp (five yards plus). When you get ready to
travel, take your Harp with you; it folds to be more compact (with the warp attached)
and fits neatly into the Kromski tote bag (optional). The overall look of the Harp
is also striking; European alder wood with a clear finish, lots of curves and
turned pieces. Your Harp comes with a 10-dent heddle, 2 stick shuttles,
a pick-up stick, threading hook, 2 clamps, a warping peg, warping board pegs and
the very helpful “Warp Helper”. The Kromski Tote, extra heddles, extra heddle blocks
(for more complex weaving) and stands are available separately.
Loom sizes: 8", 16", 24" and 32" (actural weaving widths are slightly smaller). You will weave great music on the Kromski Harp

If you are looking for a basic rigid heddle loom,
the Kromski Fiddle will fit the bill. Great for your
first try at weaving, for kids and more.
The Fiddle, at 16", will do everything the Harp
will do in terms of weaving; you will not be giving
up anything in that regard. Weave to your hearts content.
The Fiddle is packaged with a 10-dent heddle, 2 stick shuttles,
clamps, a modified Warp Helper, warping peg and a
threading hook. You can also add the following options to your
Fiddle: additional shuttles, pick-up sticks, heddle blocks
(to allow the use of 2 heddles) and The Harp stand (above).
The Fiddle also comes ready for use as a warping board
(pre-drilled holes on the back of the frame) - you can purchase
the pegs for this purpose or make your own.
The Fiddle comes unfinished and partially assembled.
You may finish the wood but it is not necessary.